Using the 'Download the app' logos

Hi, I've been asked by the business to include the both App Store logos on all material going forwards which is fine but the minimum size restriction means that on some material it's the biggest thing there and looks ridiculous. In addition to this the guidelines state that it cannot be the dominant communication.

Simple question really, does anyone have a solution for this or has anyone had their knuckles rapped by Apple or Google for reproducing their App icons at below the specified size?

Thanks in advance.
They're secondary elements so there's no way I'd let them dictate a design I was working on. I'd probably just ignore the guidelines and make them as small as you need. So long as the text is legible you should be alright.
Thanks for the reply, I have to say I'm totally of the same opinion. That said, I've written to Apple to ask for guidance. As I'm in a new job I don't want to take the decision to ignore the guidelines without some back up in the form of reasonable research and question asking, I'm sure you understand.