Recent content by Triverse Designs

  1. Triverse Designs

    The Great Debate - PC Vs Mac

    My workstation at my work, 2 computers (mac using laptop screen and external monitor, and one pc (xp) running one external monitor), 3 monitors, using synergy so only need to use one keyboard and mouse to control both computers without the need to switch. Turned to Mac a few years ago and have...
  2. Triverse Designs

    Need a Simple to Use CMS for Client

    Drupal is a fair bit of a learning curve and you need to know some of the core modules to use that make life much easier for yourself and clients, as well as much added functionality. And then theming. But you will find Drupal is a great system and be able to use it with many projects. If you...
  3. Triverse Designs

    Best opensource CMS?

    Hey Polorix If you want to learn wordpress, like myself, only played around for a bit this book will be for you Rockable Press Rockstar Wordpress Designer
  4. Triverse Designs

    Best opensource CMS?

    Hi all, Personally I find Drupal better than Joomla, I used to use it a while ago but found it much harder to create a layout for compared to Drupal, and Drupal having much more control over content. When coming to administration of the websites, have not had any customer complaints and found...