Recent content by opensesame

  1. O

    Writing Blog Filler Isn't Worth It

    I suppose the time taken to write 2-3 fillers could generate a nice article which does get engagement. I don't run a blog, but I do a lot of blogging activity and one thing I look for is social engagement, first to grow the blog but also generate social signals which help with SEO. I would...
  2. O

    Choosing the better design for a better website?

    I agree with Linziloop, your better off sticking to the code (while you learn design) and splitting it, or 40/60 split in your favour. Not forever but while you learn, and at the same time your portfolio will look better hopefully generating more work off the back of it. BUT to answer your...
  3. O

    Found this, anyone know where it is from?

    Usually the developers who include these on the websites will find an example online, then strip the css out and images etc until they have it in it's basic form. Once here they then begin to rebuild the css using there own design. So I think anyone will do the job, I guess what you would want...