Recent content by MarkHenry

  1. M

    Graphic Design Briefs

    Hi. Does anyone know a good website that I can access design briefs from? I need one for my final year design project. Any suggestions/ideas are welcome. Thanks
  2. M

    Infographic Feedback

    Hi. I got my results from my final year design project which I failed. I am awaiting feedback from my supervisor as I have to re-submit it but I want to gauge other people's opinions on my work. My project theme was to help educate children about exercise and how important this was. I have...
  3. M

    Final Year Major Design Project

    Hi. I am in my final year of uni and have created a design brief to base my design project on. I am thinking about creating a interactive iPad/iPhone app or else a interative iPad magazine that is aimed towards children and exercise. Just wondering if any has any views about this and also does...