Recent content by KikiCoon

  1. KikiCoon

    Graphic Design appraisal of my website

    Hi, the site overall looks nice and clean to me. As for the pictures: Concerning the header picture (the one on the red background, tinted red), the product photo is a bit too dark for my taste. I guess the picture was just set on multiply? I would try to add more light to it. (Compare to the...
  2. KikiCoon

    Help needed - Pantone on fake-cardboard-image?

    First- Hello, I'm new to this forum! :) I didn't find a similar thread so if I missed one, I'd be happy to be redirected to it. I struggle a bit with Spot colours (Pantone to be exact) for a newest project and hope, that someone can help me out. Basically, we have two packagings for some...