Recent content by dannysnelson

  1. dannysnelson

    Just updated my portfolio website, would love some feedback!

    Thanks for your great comments. I'm not too sure why I put my age, I think I'll remove it on the off chance that an employer is ageist haha. I figured pink as a self branding colour for a guy was pretty rare, one way to stand out I guess!
  2. dannysnelson

    Just updated my portfolio website, would love some feedback!

    Thanks for the taking the time to look at it. Good point with the whitespace, I only worked on it on my Macbook Pro so I'm not too aware on how it'd look on bigger screens. I guess it encourages me to produce more work to fill up the whitespace!
  3. dannysnelson

    Just updated my portfolio website, would love some feedback! I recently completely updated my portfolio website with a new design (through Squarespace) and uploaded new work. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to look over my work and can offer constructive feedback!