Recent content by billmarshall

  1. B - any good?

    I've used them for most of my domains and haven't had any problems. Their control panel is better than anything else I've seen. (Just avoid that "submit to search engines" option like the plague). A friend had noticed some slight difficulties with their DNS servers not being as reliable as they...
  2. B

    How did you learn to code HTML?

    I started learning HTML back in 1994 - it was a lot simpler then! Though of course table-based layouts soon made it ridiculously complicated. I used various editors that basically had quick ways of adding tags before eventually (and to begin with quite reluctantly) getting DW2 which was great...
  3. B

    SEO for your clients?

    Hi Guys, just joined up having arrived here via Sphinn. As both a web designer and an SEO I do find a lot of differences in clients' ideas and expectations. Most who come to me for design seem to have lower budgets and usually can't afford SEO and often don't know anything about it. Those who...