Recent content by Allen

  1. Allen

    How does your studio operate?

    15 minutes is very tough. Lawyers get down to 12 minutes I believe (but they aren't human are they?!) I left my last job because the agency was too fussy and picky about time - and that was hourly billing! It can be very stressful and you wouldn't be alone in saying it can get to you. Working...
  2. Allen

    The Great Debate - PC Vs Mac

    Web coders need to be able to use both and not get to fussy about it... I have a mac which I love but only had it for about a year. I also have 2 PCs under my desk for testing and *cough* the occasional game. For 'pure design' I prefer the Mac. For coding I prefer coda on mac over dreamweaver...
  3. Allen

    Simple Javascript Problem

    Hi Fred document.write runs as the page loads, so you can't use that to change values on pages that have already loaded. However you could use the onClick method to change an existing text value in a <div id="x">Value</div>. You should find this info in a basic AJAX tutorial...
  4. Allen

    Webpage help *cry*

    Fred's on the money here - the basic problem is that centering a page in the browser like this means that everything is floating around relative to the window (the margins are automatically adjusting to keep everything in the middle of the page). However as soon as you made div1 position...
  5. Allen

    Church Website CMS?

    Yes, wordpress is your best friend in this scenario - particularly easy to set up so authors can't mess it up. Main problem is setting up 'proper' navigation. Other appropriate choices include modX and drupal. I love drupal but it's a long long road to tread... Good luck with it.